Support Us
On The Tracks Productions (a 501c3 organization) depends heavily on the kindness and generosity of local merchants and other members of our community to cover its overhead and to be sure that we are able to continue bringing these amazing performers to our series.
The founders/organizers take NO PROFIT from the proceeds. 100% of the suggested donation at the door goes to the artists who perform for you. However, there are some costs associated with the rental of the building, cleaning fees, advertising, printing and refreshments and we don’t want to have to dip into the audience donations to cover this cost. In addition, we are hoping to offer a minimum guarantee to our performers even if there isn’t a large enough audience to pay them what they deserve.
We are extremely fortunate to have a handful of patrons who have helped to keep us going so far, but we are always in need of more funds to sustain us.
If you’re able to help us out we would be most grateful.
Donate what you can – no amount is too small. All contributors will be listed as Patron of “On The Tracks” on our website. Your donations are now tax deductible!
Feel free to mail a check payable to On The Tracks Productions
To: P O Box 329
Chelsea, MI 48118
Or use a credit card by clicking here:
Please contact for more information!